Barbara Dollarhide

imagesBarbara Dollarhide-Pritchard was completing her degree in Communications at the University of Washington when she took an internship at NastyMix Records. Her true love was indie-rock so she convinced Daniel house at C/Z Records to hire her to lead the promotional efforts and coordination of new releases and became one of his first official employees. She played an integral behind-the-scenes role in the careers of a number of women in rock including promoting Hammerbox’s first release and the signing of both 7 Year Bitch and the Gits.  In 1993 she decided to go it alone and started BYD Managment, supporting a number of local musicians and women in rock including Carrie Akre, Goodness, Maxi Badd/Danger Gens, and Juned. She also worked with Frank Harlen at Bombshelter Videos and founded the Washington Music Industry Coalition;  a community of artists that worked with the ACLU to take on the  the “Erotic Music Law” that was introduced in Washington State in 1992 (and thrown out by the courts in 1994). She left the music industry to pursue a career in digital media & marketing.

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